1 Corinthians 1:9 New King James Version – God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

God’s elect, the life of the believer is a called one, no one can be a Christian unless he has been called (1 Peter 2:9, Colossians 1:13…) 

But God’s elect, the calling of the Lord is never general for everybody but it has specifications based on what the Lord needs you to do on earth. Calling is never for only the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors or Teachers, but each and every child of God is called to something for the enhancement of humanity and the earth at large but should bring glory and honor to God.

In accordance with our opening scripture, one of the calls God has for the believer if not the paramount, is for us to be in fellowship with Christ Jesus, where fellowship means, oneness or companionship; having one mind or thought, having the same words as God, and acting the actions of God.

God’s elect, this is very possible because Christ Jesus lived this life when He toured the earth; this is why He said, I do what I see My Father do and say what I hear My Father say(John 5:19). I and My Father are One, describes a true fellowship (John 3:10).

Child of God, we need to dare to live a life of fellowship with Christ Jesus; it is a burden we need to carry, we are capable because the burden of Christ Jesus is light (Matthew 11:30).

To live the life of fellowship with Christ Jesus, the word and prayer should be our friends on a daily basis and we will be changed into that image over time, amen!

Scripture Study

2 Corinthians 13