Matthew 6:25 New King James Version – “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?

Some mistaken worry to be either thinking or having a concern, let us see the difference before we proceed.


A genuine care you have for someone or something.

It makes you calm, knowing very well that the Lord is in control.

It would always direct you to the source of life, strength or security.

It gives peace of mind.


A care of someone or something that makes you possessive

It would give you sleepless nights

It reveals faults or weaknesses or inadequacy.

It makes you restless and makes you think out of your mind.

Anxiety or worry never solves any problem but thinking and pray does because that is what is recommended in the scriptures by Christ Jesus Himself when He toured the earth.

God’s elect, there are principles in this our kingdom one of it was from the Master Himself, Christ Jesus, that we should not worry, because it does us no good for whatever reason. I never think or worry about what that cannot be changed, but rather I trust the Lord to give me the power and the wisdom to able to change that which needs to changed and that can be done by me.

Please not being worried does and should negate the fact of thinking, which differences are listed plainly above.


In the Name of Jesus, I worry not, I have the joy of the Holy Ghost in the inside of me, hallelujah.

Scripture Study

Matthew 6