1 Corinthians 1:24 King James Version – But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

Luke 7:35 King James Version – But wisdom is justified of all her children.

Proverbs 24:3 King James Version – Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established:

Well, one might say who is God and always in heaven that we are here on earth? but the Bible makes it clear that wisdom is always justified by her children. Therefore, to know God, let us read the bible carefully especially from the book of Matthew to the book of John, they were with Jesus and saw how Christ Jesus actually lived and His words to humanity.

Christ being the wisdom of God and the same bible says wisdom is a builder, this means the Christ God built represents the wisdom of God. God is all knowing and all wisdom, to be able to partake of that wisdom, the only thing we need to do is to get closer to Christ Jesus and know Him because He is the wisdom of God. That can never happen unless of course, we read through the pages of scripture, prayerfully and meditatively, then His power will also begin to flow through us, that is when we can say of a truth that we have encountered the wisdom of God through Christ Jesus.

Wisdom is also the principal thing, the Bible said, this means wisdom is even the first of all God’s creations, in fact, if Jesus is the first begotten of the Father, He is the wisdom of God, then the bible is actually telling us to make Jesus the principal in our lives and also seek Him  through the word and prayer, amen!