Romans 12:2 New King James Version – And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

The process of mind renewal is in three (3) forms, learn, unlearn and relearn. The learning stage is what we have learnt from childhood or by default, that is how we talk, the language we speak or how things are done based on the location we find ourselves, which is mainly not our fault because of our ages as teenagers. The unlearning process is when we have come to realize that what we know or knew is not in line with the word of God, as children of God, we have to make a conscious effort to put all those things aside, by so doing, we are unlearning the things we have learned, example is our society tells us how we should hate our enemies but the bible now comes to tell us, to love our enemies and even pray for them (Matthew 5:44), leaving what we already knew behind and heeding to this instruction is when we have unlearned something whiles relearning is when we start to practice the new knowledge acquired which says we need to love our enemies and pray for them.

The above principle is what we express when I have to renew our minds from the normal old ways of doing things to align with what the word of God says in our minds, God’s elect, to follow the detects of society means we do not love the Lord Jesus, but to love the Lord Christ Jesus is when we renew our minds with and by the word of God and live thereby.

Scripture Study

Romans 12