John 14:3 New King James Version – And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
The desire of the Father in the Name of Jesus for us is to be where He is or will be even in eternity. God’s elect, we have a place to go after death, when and if the Lord should even appear in His glory; we still have a place to go. This is why we always need to live a life in anticipating for the future with the Lord.
Many of us say, when we depart this earth realm, we will be in heaven, well I cannot argue with you, but whiles here on earth, are you always at where He is or do you always desire to be where He is? We will go to heaven to go and be with the Prince of Peace in the Person of Christ Jesus. Thus, if you do not want to be at where He is now, even on earth, then it means that we do not even need to be with Him even in heaven.
God’s elect, we need to be where Jesus is, because He is our Lord, which means Master. We also need to do everything possible not to be at where our Lord Christ Jesus cannot be found. Can Christ Jesus be found when we are with our friends? Can He be found in our conversations and conducts, can He be found on your phone, can He be found in your thoughts or even in your bedroom or even in your clothes. When a “yes” is answered to these questions, then we will be where He is.
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