Philippians 4:6 King James Version – And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The peace of God is just the attention of God in a situation of a man/woman. The first place peace was demonstrated in the Bible was Genesis 1:2. The entire universe was in shambles or confusion, it was the Holy Ghost who brought stability and restoration to the universe, before creation actually took place, if the Holy Ghost had not come to stabilize the situation, there was no way, God would have created the universe through speaking. 

Thus, the introduction of the Holy Ghost to make things stable was the peace of God in that moment. 

Study the life of Christ Jesus, if He met the sick, He healed them, that was peace He brought to the sick person through divine healing, when He met hunger, He fed them, that was the peace the hungry needed at that time. 

When the storm was misbehaving in Mark 4, in His wake, He just said “peace be still”, that is still that was the hand of God coming into that storm to calm it. 

God’s elect, as long as you need the hand of God in your life, or you have a situation in your life that does not go in line with what the word of God says about you, then you need the peace of God in your life or in that situation. 


Thank You Jesus, in Your Name I have the peace of God in my life through the Holy Ghost, the peace of God permeates every being and all that concerns me, hallelujah, amen!

Scripture Study

2 Kings 5