Isaiah 55:1 New King James Version – “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price.
“A Song to the Lord”
What a Mighty God we serve
What a Mighty God we serve
The angels bow before Him
Heaven and earth adore Him
What a Mighty God we serve
What a God we serve, that tells us to come and buy everything and anything good from Him but without a penny or a cent (money)?
God’s elect, we are called to be believers but not analysers when we come before Him (God), we are just to believe and we move.
What is it that we need that God cannot give to us, if He did not withhold His only Son from us, how much more will He not also give us freely all things, He has given us all that pertains to life and Godliness (Romans 8:23 and 2 Peter 1:3).
God’s elect, to be able to go to God and buy without money, all we need is the heart of faith in the Name of Jesus that when we ask in accordance to His will(Mark 11:24), He shall give it to us, is it depression free life, a heart to be healed, body healing of any kind, intelligence; this list can be endless.
Let us therefore go boldly to God and just ask of Him anything, He even said, we should ask of Him the nations and He will give it to us (Psalm 2:8)
Thank You, Lord Jesus, I am grateful for your word, I walk in faith to buy from You without money and I receive, hallelujah!
Scripture Study
Isaiah 55
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