Isaiah 58:6 New King James Version – “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: …

God’s elect; to know God intimately or closely, fasting should be part of your life, as least once (the day you were born) a week.

Fasting is simply doing away with food for a period of time to seek the face of the Lord, maybe through praying, reading or meditating on the word, in worship or praise, or even listening to a Christian music, just to connect or take you closer to the Lord.

In our opening text, God Himself chose a fast for His people; this means, fasting is the will of God for His children. God’s elect, I am not saying because you want or need to see or seek God concerning an issue you will just be going on a hunger strike, please no!

When fasting, have petitions or a request backed with scriptures and make prayers to the Father, and He will have no option than to answer you because He is a loving and a prayer answering Father.

When you are new to fasting, you can start from 6am (or when you are awake) till 9am, 12pm, 3pm, please and please if you have the strength, then you can extend it till 6pm; living a fasted life at least once a week will make you be closer to God and you will always hear Him speak to you, it is never about age but about the heart of dedication you have towards His Name.


In the Name of Jesus, I ask for grace to be able to seek You through fasting and prayers, I ask that You also give me wisdom on this journey, amen.

Scripture Study

Isaiah 58

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