1 Thessalonians 5:18 New International Version – give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Thank You Sweet Lord Jesus! We are grateful!

Thanksgiving is the will of God for our life in Christ Jesus. We need to have the mind, heart, words and the attitude of thanksgiving.

God’s elect, as soon as you have the breath of life; it is a cause to thank the Lord. Thanksgiving has been my life for some time now, when you stumble upon something; “thank You, Jesus” should be automatic from your mouth.

We are always quick to ask and complain even in prayer, but how many minutes or hours do we use to magnify or thank Him? I use the first hour of my prayer time to always just thank or love the Lord.

Seeing how silly we have been as teenagers, the Lord has spared our lives on many occasions, the fees is being paid, we feed well, we have life, we have something to wear, we have roofs over our heads, what again do we need before we say thank You to our Lord Christ Jesus?

King David once said, if not by the hand of the Lord, Israel came out from the land of Egypt, they should say it.

Thanksgiving is a powerful tool in our physical world, how does it feel when someone tells, you, thank you after just giving a piece candy to him or her?


Oh Lord Jesus, I am grateful for Your love for my life, family, friends, the people you have placed in my life to teach me the way, I am grateful that I have the intelligence to read this devotional, thank You Lord, amen!

Scripture Study

1 Thessalonians 5

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