Hebrews 4:3 New International Version – Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, “So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.” And yet his works have been finished since the creation of the world.

Any promise mentioned in the bible is what God wills, desires, intents and wishes for His children, that is if they shall be willing and obedient, that is when they can eat the good of the land.

Rest in the bible is simply God wanting or needing His children to be rest assured that He is their all in all and depend on Him solely. If you are resting in the Lord, worry, anxiety and confusion will never cross your mind, thinking and knowing; there is a God who will always come through for you.

When and if you are a student of the bible, you are going to see countless times, God mentioning “rest, rest, rest”, it simply means trusting and just going for what the Lord said concerning you about a situation.

When God had finished creation, He rested on the seventh day, it was a symbol that God will use in the future for His children to also believe and live from rest. Living from rest is when a Christian will live his or her life based on what God has told him or her through the Holy Scriptures.

The presence of confidence or boldness that there is a God who is with you; an assurance that you are living in the “rest of God”.


In the Name of Jesus, I live from the rest of God, I believe and have faith in the rest of God, amen!

Scripture Study

Hebrews 4