Psalm 91:16 New King James Version – With [a]long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.”

We have established the truth from the word of God that any promise, wish or desire of the Lord for His children is God’s will for our life.

Verse 20 of our scripture study; says the infant shall die at a hundred; Ephesians 6:3 also talks about us living long on the earth; it is God’s will, desire and wish that we live long on the earth or have a long life. Scripture emphasizes by repetition.

God’s elect, it is very true it is the will of our Father that we live long on the earth but there are conditions attached to that, example, the condition in Ephesians 6 is that we honour our parents in the Lord.  

Yes, people still die at a tender age, what do I say to that, Jesus Himself died at the age of thirty three (33), what do I say to that too?

Jesus accomplished purpose or the reason why He came on the earth, and also sent the Holy Ghost to empower people to continue with what He started.

Secondly, we have seen from the scriptures that God needs long life for us, but it is the activities of men which have resulted in the same men dying at a tender age, some also do not live a good life, on drugs, living a wayward life and all that.

God’s elect, just walk in the consciousness that, our God wills that we have a long life.


In the Name of Jesus, I have long life because I subscribe to the laws of the Lord that guarantees long life, amen!

Scripture Study

Ephesians 6 & Isaiah 65