John 15:2 New King James Version – Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [a]takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

Every fruit on the planet now was once a seed. 1 Peter 1:23 New King James Version – having been born again, not of [a]corruptible seed but [b]incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides [c]forever,

Fruit in this case is not only the fruits of the Spirit as seen in Galatians 5:22-23 but whatever seed the Lord gives to us, He expects to see fruits overtime.

The first seed we see here is the incorruptible seed which is the word of God as Apostle Peter said in the scripture above.

What the word of God does is to plant God in us as a seed that will grow someday to bear fruits, now, through that word of God, the fruits of our talents show up, which was once a seed, the fruits of the Spirits show up, which was once a seed, our purposes and visions also shows as a fruit which was once a seed.

This is why, as a believer, any idea conceived should be treated with all seriousness because that is a holy seed in you which will grow to produce Godly fruits one day, not as only in preaching or sharing the word, as the scripture has said, every good and perfect gifts comes from above, but it will always be in a seed form, which will grow into fruits, that is when humans will start applauding God’s grace on a man’s (woman’s) life.


In the Name of Jesus, I bear fruits from the office of God, amen!

Scripture Study

John 15