Psalm 47:6 New King James Version – Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!

Jesus, be praised! Praises is the will of God for His children. We owe Him of our praises which is the fruits of our lips.

One of the instruments that move the Lord in every situation is praises. Talking about king David when he was bringing the arch of the Lord to Israel, king Jehoshaphat winning a battle just by praising the Lord, Paul and Silas being delivered from the prison because praises where their lifestyle in the prison yard…

Praises is when one intentionally speaks, sings or even meditates about the good things of the Lord to the Lord Himself. It does not matter any situation in which anybody is, but there is always a reason to praise the Lord, in our words, singing and even in our hearts, as far as there is life, of a truth, there should be a reason to sing, speak and also meditate about the goodies of the Lord, unto Him.


In the Name of Jesus, I am grateful to God, for giving me life in abundance, I have the breath of life, so I know God will show Himself strong in my life, I praised You, Lord yesterday, I am praising You today, I will praise You tomorrow and I will forever praise You, Lord!

Scripture Study

Psalm 47

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