Revelation 5:12 New King James Version

12 saying with a loud voice:

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom,
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

1 Corinthians 2:16 New King James Version – For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

Wisdom is the principal thing; how can a king and priest be without wisdom? God’s chosen, it is never possible. If we are to reign on the earth then wisdom should be our hall mark because that will sustain that which the Lord has entrusted into our care, from the water bodies, to the clouds, to the forests, to the lands, to the resources, even to humanity.

Wisdom is can be defined as the know how to navigate our ways through the thick and thin of life to the betterment of society and the people with it.

Every natural thing you see came from the wisdom of God, and everything artificial thing also came from the wisdom God deposited in man, thus, it still came from the wisdom of men.

There are yet foolish people and foolishness on the face of the earth because foolishness was introduced by the devil; for God to help His children, He gave them wisdom that surpasses all understanding for we have the mind of Christ (for by Him were all things made, for Him and through Him).

We need to walk in this consciousness, which is the only way; the wisdom of God will flow through us.


I have the mind of Christ, I was created in the image of God, and I walk in the wisdom of God, hallelujah!

Scripture Study

Exodus 31

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