Revelation 5:10 King James Version – And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

A king is someone who belongs to a kingdom and reigns over that kingdom he belongs to. On the other hand, a priest is someone who acts as an intermediary between God and man. In the book of 1 Samuel 8 when the Israelite went to ask Prophet Samuel to make them a king, he was also acting as the priest at the same time because he was their intermediary with God. He takes their plea, sends it to God, God answers and vice versa.

Now, in our opening verse, we have been made kings and priests that we shall reign on the earth. How does one reign? One or a king reigns if he is able to subdue his kingdom under his authority. You will have to make it a project to read the entire bible then you see how kings reign and how the priests also act on behalf of the people and God.

This means, nothing on the earth should be able to buffet or defeat us, just because we are kings and priests, we are hearing from the Elohim (the Creator) and using those instructions heard to reign on the earth.

How then, shall sickness, lack, poverty, dumbness, confusion, darkness and global warming keep on dominating the people who are priests and kings unto God that they should reign on the earth?


In the Name of Jesus, I am a king and a priest, I am powerful and wonderful and I reign on the earth to the Lord’s glory, the benefit of men and the earth at large!

Scripture Study

1 Samuel 8