3 John 2 New International Version – Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

Psalm 105:37 New King James Version – He also brought them out with silver and gold,
And there was none feeble among His tribes.

James 1:17 New King James Version – Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Genesis 1:31 New King James Version – Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good

God never created man to be sick of any disease, not even headache to a hurt on the toe; all of those ailments came as a result of the fall of man.

Thanks to Jehovah, that Christ Jesus has come to redeem and deliver us from the law of sin and death introduced when Adam sinned.

Thus, the death and resurrection of the Christ Jesus brought us good or divine health. Divine or good health is when we walk in perfect health and vitality without any sickness or ailments of the body for whatsoever.

This is a possibility to the believer in Christ Jesus because that is the will of the Father of Glory. This might not come on a silver platter, but it can happen on the premises to the obedience of the word of God.


In the Name of Jesus, I walk in the newness of mind and of health, my bones and flesh are strong like a warrior, I am as strong as the lion, amen!

Scripture Study

Psalm 105