Inspirational Nugget

The International Children’s Peace Prize 2018: Our Projects – Acting for safer schools and communities

KidsRights supports new changemaking initiatives from International Children’s Peace Prize winners. KidsRights is currently looking for projects about saver schools and communities to fund through the International Children’s Peace Prize Fund 2018. “Fight for your lives, before it is someone else’s job”.


The will of God – Fruitfulness

Genesis 1:28 New International Version – God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Fruitfulness is a hallmark of our Maker, then that means because we are also created in His image; our hallmark should also be fruitfulness in all that we do.

You need to be fruitful or bear positive fruits in your education, in your relational life, in your health.

This is the will of God for us, but many at times, we are okay in life when things are not happening for us or to us. Pray and ask God for the wisdom to be able to fruitful in life for this is the will or desire of God for His beloved children.

If the green plants are fruitful, it means they bear fruits; it should be the same with us as children of God.

In our scripture study, Jacob had become so fruitful in his animal rearing that scared the master and people; this is how our lives supposed to be in all that we do in life.


In the Name of Jesus, I am fruitful in every area of my life, hallelujah!

Scripture Study

Genesis 30

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