Inspirational Nugget: 2018 – March For Our Lives-initiators, USA – The Road to Change

To safeguard their future, it is vital for young people to be heard. It became March For Our Lives’ mission to get young people out to vote and to force high level decision-makers to listen. On their Road to Change tour through the US, they visited communities affected by gun violence to talk about solutions. They held town rallies and voter-registration events, and they spoke with local politicians, the media, and families of victims of gun violence. They went door-to-door to spread their message and motivate young people to vote. It worked…


Why the Anointing – To Help Humanity/Earth

Romans 8:19 New International Version: For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.

The depletion and decadence the earth is experiencing today was never the intention of God; since our God is a perfect God, He created a perfect earth. The earth is in depletion, decadence or rottenness because of the presence of satan in the lives of the man, God placed on earth to care or cater for it.

See the global warming, tsunamis, earth quakes, wars, and the likes; that is what is shaping the entire earth into decadence or depletion or corruption, which was never so in the beginning.

This is why men (women inclusive) have to be anointed to be revealed to the creation to save it; creation awaits the manifestation of the sons (God’s anointed children) of God.


In the Name of Jesus, I am called and anointed to help humanity and the earth at large to the glory of the Lord and the benefit of man, amen!

Scripture Study

Romans 8