Inspirational Nugget

…In other news, Shadrack Osei Boateng, a brilliant young Ghanaian student from the University for Development Studies, has graduated as the overall best student at the university.

Information obtained directly by indicates that Osei graduated with a CGPA of 4.94 although he was part of the first batch of engineering students.

Asante Amponsah Aaron, a gentleman at the Ghana Engineering Students’ Association, UDS Chapter indicates that Shadrack studied Mechanical Engineering.


You Can Be Anointed – Willingness

Isaiah 1:19 New International Version – If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land…

The Lord mentioned willingness in a brief in yesterday’s devotion; willingness has to do with the readiness of the heart of a person in response to an action to be taken based on an instruction given.

The Holy Spirit is a gentle personality; thus He will never force Himself on you for any reason. He has given man the right of choice and decision making; this is why He will always present His ideas or mind towards you as options but He expects you to choose His way.

The Lord through the Holy Ghost will speak or give us direction but if we do not have a willing heart to be obedient; that voice or instruction might not come again because He does not like it if man feels He is worrying him.

Willingness of heart is a decision the believer must make, whether in death, tribulation, hunger, etc. Without that decision to go that far with God, we will just be deceiving ourselves.         


In the Name of Jesus, I have a willing heart for any instruction received from the Holy Ghost, amen!

Scripture Study

Isaiah 1