Inspirational Nugget

…The young man recounted his journey in a post sighted by on his LinkedIn handle where he indicated that he graduated from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ghana on 27 June 2020.

According to Selasi, he grew up always wanting to be a chartered accountant even though he did not truly understand what it meant to be one back then.


You Can Be Anointed

Acts 10:34-35 New International Version – 34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favouritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.

The truth of the matter; you are anointed as soon as you become a born again or believe on the Name of Christ Jesus, but its manifestation is always the challenge.

God is no respecter of persons or does not show favoritism but deals with people based on the reverence they have for Him and their availability to be used by Him.

God is still in search for people to do His work, the church work is very minute to the agenda of God on earth, He told us to go into the entire world not to be in churches. The harvest is plentiful; but the laborers are few, this is why we need to be available for the Master to empower us through the anointing so we can affect our world positively for Him.

The anointing is needed for work, thus when you make yourself available, He will just lavish it on you for work.


In the Name of Jesus, I ask that I fear the Lord so I can and would be endowed with power through the Holy Ghost, amen!

Scripture Study

Luke 10