Inspirational Nugget

Janine Licare and Aislin Livingstone began “Kids Saving The Rainforest” in 1999 in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. When the girls noticed the negative changes happening to the rainforest they knew something had to be done to stop it. Because of this, they wanted to do something to save the rainforest as well as the animals that were losing their homes. Their goal is to better educate people about the importance of rainforests and their residing wildlife. Since they started Kids Saving The Rainforest at age 9, they have been able to make a huge difference. They now have many volunteers for the foundation all over the world in schools and children’s organizations.


How to Walk In the Spirit – Yielding Yourself to Him

Romans 6:13 New International Version – Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

Yielding yourself to the Holy Spirit means following the dictates of the Holy Spirit either by obeying the positive side of your human spirit, heart or conscience, the word of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit (that is if you have train yourself to hear Him).

The first arena to yield ourselves to Him is through His Holy and Only word, the bible inspired by the Holy Ghost in our hearts. As we continue yielding ourselves to Him, we tell Him how ready we are to have a walk with Him.


In the Name of Jesus, I receive grace to yield myself to the Holy Ghost, amen!

Scripture Study

Romans 6

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