Inspirational Nugget

Ziad Ahmed is 18-year-old senior at Princeton Day School and passionate social justice activist. Growing up, he frequently reflected on his privilege, surroundings, and the current reality of the whole world. Ziad has resolved to work towards a world safe for all and accepting of everyone.

Ziad founded a teen organization, Redefy, committed to defying stereotypes, redefining perspectives positively, embracing acceptance and tolerance, and creating an active community.

Additionally, Ziad has co-founded JÜV Consulting Inc., which is a youth consulting confirm. Ziad firmly believes in the power of young voices and is confident JÜV will be a great success.


Elements of Worship – The Heart

Isaiah 29:13 New International Version – The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.

God’s elect, the heart is an essential part or element of worship, we discussed yesterday that our lips or mouth is just the extension of what we feel in our hearts for the Lord even that is always limited because the truth is words can never express a real grateful or a heart of worship in accuracy.

Worship is never in a moment; at church, at dawn, at school, with friends or at your quiet or fellowship time with the Lord but a “lifestyle” that emanates from the heart.

The prove that you have the heart of worship is when the entirety of your life is dedicated to Him as a living sacrifice.


In the Name of Jesus, I receive and walk in the heart of worship unto the Lord, where everything about me is about Christ Jesus, amen!

Scripture Study

Isaiah 29