Inspirational Nugget
Another one teen genius in the sphere of technology is 15 year-old Thomas Suarez. He has designed a 3D printer that is 10 times faster and more reliable than anything on the market. The number one issue that people have with 3D printers today is the speed at which they print at. So, Thomas decided to fix this issue.
However, it’s not the first invention of Thomas. He made headlines several years ago when he created a Justin Bieber whack-a-mole game called BustinJieber. Since then he has given a TED talk on technology, was featured on BBC, and had the chance to meet a lot of important and famous people.
How to walk in the Spirit – Praises
Psalm 148:1 New King James Version – Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights!
God’s elect there is no way a man can have a relationship or a walk with the Holy Ghost unless of course makes God his or her object or personality of praise.
A man who had such an amazing encounter was king David. With joy we draw from the wells of salvation; what brings that joy is the joy of Holy Ghost which is derived from a heart that is always thankful and praising to His Holy and only Name.
Praising God tells Him of and about how appreciative one has been to His Name, that is if He should shower such a person with His presence.
The praises of a person has a way to enter the heart of the Father, look through scripture and you will know and see that anyone who had a tremendous walk with God or the Holy Spirit had an element of praise in their lives.
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