Inspirational Nugget

Before it was passed last December, Arizona senators McCain and Flake slipped a rider into the National Defense Authorization Act, giving 2,400 acres of Apache holy land to an Australian mining company. In protest of the shady legislation (and a symbolic middle finger to the Trail of Tears) Pike and 100 fellow Apaches travelled by caravan from Arizona to New York then D.C. to demand the return of Oak Flat to the 15,000 tribesmen who’ve held it sacred for centuries.


How to Walk In the Spirit – The Word

Psalm 119:105 New King James Version – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Our foot is what leads us in life. Thus if the bible or the word is saying the word is a lamp or a light unto our feet, it means the word of God has the power to lead or give us light in all that we do or however we need to live our lives.

Never forget the Word of the Lord was born or always come by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

John 1 talks extensively about the word of God (please take time to do the scripture study), and this will make us realize that without the Holy Spirit nothing can be done.

Thus, to walk in the Spirit, we need to make the word shine on our path; it means it gives us light and direction at all times, we will never have to think, say or do anything outside the word of God.


In the Name of Jesus, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, amen!

Scripture Study

John 1