Inspirational Nugget
SEATTLE — Combatting global poverty is a huge issue that sometimes seems impossible to conquer and with statistics that intimidate most people. However, there are some kids who do not shy away from these numbers; instead, they view these numbers and decide to decrease them. Kids are combatting global poverty and finding new and innovative ways to make lives better for the less fortunate.
The Deeds of the Flesh – Dissensions
Galatians 5:20 – New International Version …idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions…
“Disagreement that leads to discord; Dissensions – ”.
In our scripture study, confusion rose between the servants of Abram (later Abraham – Genesis 17:5) and Lot’s but as the Lord was with Abram, he was able to let Lot choose the best of the land and they parted ways, after that the Lord came to promise him the entire earth.
There is no need we argue or disagree over unnecessary things that might bring discord or confusion between us and people of any kind.
Christ Jesus will never argue at anything, He will just speak His mind and move on, this does not mean you go speaking your mind anyhow, no, Christ Jesus chose His words carefully to promote peace and harmony; He spoke when only it was needed.
One time the people wanted to kill Him, he just sneaked out of them (John 8:59); that is the man who said He had the power of God or has the entire angels of heaven with Him.
Do well to promote peace and harmony everywhere you find yourself.
In the Name of Jesus, I receive a heart of peace and harmony, amen!
Scripture Study
Genesis 13
Do well to promote peace and harmony everywhere you find yourself.
In the Name of Jesus, I receive a heart of peace and harmony, amen!
Scripture Study
Genesis 13
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