Inspirational Nugget
Jean Piaget, one of the most important child psychologists of the 20th century, showed signs of brilliance from a young age. Swiss-born Piaget got his scholarly start when he wrote an article about the albino sparrow at the age of 11, which many see as the beginning of his publishing career.
Piaget continued writing about the natural world into his teens. His scholarship was so good that most people believed he was an adult academic.
The Fruits of the Spirit – Conclusion
Galatians 5 New International Version – 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
God’s elect, the only way to bearing the fruits of the Spirit is when we devout ourselves to God through His written word.
1 Timothy 4:15 talks about giving ourselves “wholly”, until we give ourselves wholly to the things of the Lord, there is no way we can bear these fruits of the Spirit; well you might not border because you might think you are young in age, but a Christian is a Christian, and there should be something about our character that people will indeed see that we are Christians because we think, talk and behave like the Christ we are following.
Matthew 5:16 talks about our light shining for people to see and glorify our Father who is in heaven; God’s elect, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is available to make us live this prescribed life of the believer.
In the Name of Jesus, I will live by the dictates of the Spirit of the Living God, so I bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit, amen!
Scripture Study
Galatians 5:13-26
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