Inspirational Nugget

A mathematical and scientific mind for the ages, Blaise Pascal was only 19 in 1642 when he built what is considered to be the “first digital calculator,” the Pascaline, in the 17th century.

What inspired the teenaged Pascal to create the device? His father was a tax collector, and Pascal wanted to build a device to help him in his calculations.


The Fruits of the Spirit – Goodness

Galatians 5:22 New International Version – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness…

Acts 10:38 talks about the Holy Ghost anointing Christ Jesus who went about doing good, this tells us that it takes the anointing of the Holy Ghost to be doing. Doing good will never come to the natural man or carnal Christian that easy but with the help of Holy Ghost.

One of the traits of the believer is to be good and keep on doing good. This world would say there is nothing good or no one is good in this life, but we should let the people of the world know we are the light of the world, thus we need to do good everywhere we find ourselves.

It will never take a million dollar to do good, it might be a simple smile, sorry, thank you, a good morning or just extending a helping hand to someone in need of any kind, maybe a class mate is not good in a subject, you can just be good to him or her by sharing the little knowledge you know.


In the Name of Jesus I am filled with the Holy Ghost to be doing well(good), hallelujah, amen!

Scripture Study

Acts 10; verse 38 emphasis

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