Inspirational Nugget

Sofia Tomov, 12, of Tennessee, was recently named as a finalist in the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. Her project could help patients and doctors figure out who might have negative responses to prescription drugs – before they take the first pill.

Tomov found an algorithm that could speed up the process of sifting through genes — then made it even faster by coding it to run on multiple computer processors at the same time. It’s a project with the potential to save thousands of lives.


How to receive the Spirit – Idolize Him

Exodus 34:14 New International Version – Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

As far as you are a human being, there is something or someone who you so admire or idolise that turns into an object of worship. As far as there is a point in your life where the entirety of your heart or thought, words and actions is geared towards someone or something ; that is the very definition of worship or idolization.

As believers, we need to reach a plateau in life, where the Lord Jesus becomes our all in all or focus in life, this is where the Holy Ghost or Spirit can have a pre-eminence in our lives, either than that, we would just be lying to ourselves that we are children of God, where in actual sense, we are not.


In the Name of Jesus, I ask that you give me the heart of worship and adoration to Your Name and purposes, amen!

Scripture Study

Romans 8:9