Inspirational Nugget
Tyler Stallings has been making what he calls “hero bags’ for veterans since he was 4 years old.
“Doing something special for veterans began after I started asking my mom why some veterans are homeless,” Tyler said on his GoFundMe page. “After talking to my mom, I really wanted to help build homes for veterans but together we decided on a more realistic goal. We came up with an idea to make hygiene and grooming kits with thank you cards to give to veterans in need. I call them Hero Bags!”
How to Receive the Holy Spirit – Faith
Luke 17:6 New International Version – He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.
We spoke about expectation, asking, prayer; all of these interdepend on each other, in fact for all of the above to be in place, we need to first have faith because faith is an action word that demands action in response to what we believe in our hearts.
You need to believe that you are son or daughter of God, and know that when you ask Him of anything, He would or can give it to you, this thought alone is a thought of faith, when you follow this thought with an action, that is faith at work in you and it will definitely work for your good to the Lord’s glory
The faith of the Son of God (Christ Jesus) grows in me and takes up mountains for the glory of God, amen!
Scripture Study
Luke 17:5-10
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