Inspirational Nugget: Jaylen Arnold

After being diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome, Asperger’s and OCD, Jaylen was bullied by peers for being different. He found that the anxiety he suffered as result of the bullying worsened the symptoms of his disabilities. That’s what led Jaylen to found the Jaylen Challenge Foundation, which has educated more than 100,000 kids on recognizing bullying behavior and understanding each other’s differences.


The Gifts of the Spirit – Gifts of Healing

1 Corinthians 12:9 New International Version – to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,

Health is simply the totality or the completion of a thing or body in its wholesome form, in other words, before a body or a thing would need a healing, unless of course, some depletion or reduction has happened to that body or thing.

And God saw that (His creation) it was good; Genesis 1:31. This tells us that the creation of God was that perfect or whole but the imperfection of man always brought and will bring problem to man, thereby, out of his love and wisdom, He provided us with the healing power in the Name of Jesus.

Medicine and hospital is good because I believe it was God that gave that wisdom to man, but medicine or hospitals has not been able to solve all the health problems of humans and it would never be, it can just go just far because it is in the domain of men.

God’s elect, the quick we believe in the healing power of the Holy Ghost in the Name of Jesus, the better for us.


In the Name of Jesus; I ask and receive the healing power of the Holy Ghost, amen!

Scripture Study

Luke 17:11-19