Inspirational Nugget: Moziah “Mo” Bridges, founder of Mo’s Bows at 14 years

Mo’s Bows offers colorful, handmade ties and men’s accessories that are sold in various retail stores nationwide, including partnerships with Bloomingdale’s and Neiman Marcus.

In 20 years, I will be … “The owner of a very big international clothing company that makes and sells clothes for men, women, and children.”

Best advice I’ve ever received: “The best advice came from my mentor Daymond John of Shark Tank. He told me to ‘Stay true to your brand,’ and that is important to remember because there are a lot of different opportunities that come to me, but they may not be the best for me or the mission of my company.”


Manifestation of the Spirit; the Spirit of Might

Isaiah 11:2 New International Version – The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord.

Might is that ability to do things that your natural man or person cannot do but empowered by the Holy Ghost. A typical person of a person that possessed that ability was king David, king Solomon, Samson, Daniel, Gideon, the list can be endless, they just did what their mere human abilities could not do but as at when the Spirit came on them, they did or spoke and things happened.

In every area of life you are called into, for work, the Spirit of might will be always available to empower you as long as you yield yourself to the leadings of the Holy Spirit.


I yield the members of my life to the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus.

Daily Scripture Study

Judges 6