Inspirational Nugget: Jack Andraka
Jack Andraka, 16, is the most recent grand prize winner of the Intel international science and engineering fair – where he unveiled an inexpensive way to detect pancreatic cancer.
At the age of 14 the Maryland boy investigated the disease after it had killed a close family friend, and found that it spreads rapidly and is rarely detected in its early stages. It is estimated to be the 13th most common cancer in the world and the eighth most deadly.
With Maitra, Andraka conducted research and devised his prize-winning, inexpensive diagnostic method that can efficiently detect a protein for the cancer with 90% accuracy.
The Spirit of the Lord – Gives Liberty
2 Corinthians 3: 17 Amplified Bible – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom].
Anytime you find yourself behaving otherwise, apart from what the word of the Lord says, you are in bondage, either in your mind or body (you having no control over your body). Yes, as a believer or a Christian, you have been translated from darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13), but our minds and body are never or not really fruitful because we do not take the TIME and PAIN to discover and live the life of freedom from anything in this world to please God the Father only and no one else.
We have liberty or freedom in the Name of Jesus, as soon as we come to believe on His Name, why then do we turn to be serving the enemy (satan) with our lives as teenagers?
I am free from every bondage, in Jesus’ Name!
Daily Scripture Study
Acts 16:16-40
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