Inspirational Nugget: Yara Shahidi, 16

Shahidi shined this year in more ways than one. Aside from killing it on “Black-ish” every week, the teen was consistently outspoken about representation in Hollywood, climate change and youth empowerment. Though she can’t vote yet, Shahidi was very vocal about the importance of others exercising their right. She even interviewed Rep. John Lewis at the Democratic National Convention this year.


The Spirit of the Lord; to Proclaim Good News to the Poor

Isaiah 61:1 New International Version …to proclaim good news to the poor…

We have a work to do as believers or children of God. When Abraham was called from his father’s land to a strange land as directed by the Lord, he called others to follow him, including Lot – Genesis 12:5

Jesus also commissioned us to win souls or preach the gospel and make disciples – Matthew 28:19; hence, a child of God cannot sit without the proclamation of good news. Now, to preach the gospel is fine but also know and understand that, the gospel to the hungry is food, the gospel to the naked is cloth, the gospel to the thirsty is water, the gospel to the homeless is shelter or an accommodation, the gospel to the sad or discouraged is an encouragement or words of grace, above all the word of God which is the prime of the gospel is the ultimate.

So we have to pray so we receive the power from on high to be able to preach the gospel. Power simply means a means to get to an end, example, if you are able to cloth the naked; you have the power to clothe.


In the Name of Jesus, I receive the power to proclaim the good news, amen

Bible Study

Genesis 12:1-9 and Matthew 28:16-20