Inspirational Nugget: Asia Newson, Super Business Girl at 10

Asia Newson is Detroit’s Youngest Entrepreneur. Newson started her business, Super Business Girl, at 10 years old where she crafts and sells custom candles with her dad, Michael Newson. While she runs a tight ship and enjoys being the boss of her own company, Asia’s mom, Latasha Thompson, describes her as “kind, outspoken, and intelligent.” Her main goal is to attend Michigan State University, as well as expanding her business to a couple of storefront locations—including one in businessman Dan Gilbert’s building. While she’s working towards her goal, Asia trains kids her age — Super Business Girls and Boys — on how to make their own money and finding resources.


The Fruits of the Spirit – Faithfulness

Galatians 5:22 AMP – But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is … faithfulness…

Faithfulness is an enablement that comes from the Holy Spirit of God that keeps or makes a person to be focus to a course or to an agreement. Our first point of faithfulness should be to God, the second should be to the assignment He has given us; God brought us on earth for an assignment we should endeavour to know it, and be faithful to it as we are being faithful to God. The first point of the assignment should be too His Holy word, the bible before any other thing would follow. All the great men in life and history have just being faithful in one way or the other. They have been faithful to even their businesses, keeping to its success no matter what challenges they face.


In the precious Name of Jesus, I am a faithful son/daughter!

Daily Scripture for Study

Matthew 24:36-51