Inspirational Nugget; Amiya Alexander

Amiya’s Mobile Dance Academy exhibits genius innovation at its finest! The young lady behind this growing business is 15-year-old Amiya Alexander, a native of Detroit. At 9, she shared her dream of opening an affordable mobile dance studio with her mom, Taberah Alexander. A couple of years and a $20,000 investment later, Alexander’s dream of becoming the first local on-the-go dance academy for girls ages 2 to 12 came true in 2008. With the help of donations, Alexander is able to offer her students a low rate of $11.50 per class. In addition to teaching dance, the Academy teaches health and wellness classes and is striving to eliminate childhood obesity in the community. Amiya plans to attend Harvard Medical School to become an OB-GYN. 


The Fruits of the Spirit – Kindness

Galatians 5:22 NIV – But the fruit of the Spirit is … kindness…

“The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate” – Google’s definition. The very definition of kindness from my point of view is simply how we treat ourselves or how we treat the people we seemly love.

Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31), so just treat others like how we treat ourselves, that is the prove that are truly exhibiting kindness as the fruit of the Spirit. We cannot say we are Christians, filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and not be kind.

Kindness is a character or an attitude which should be cultivated by the Christian, so our lives can so shine that people will glorify our Father who is in heaven.


Lord and Master Jesus, I pray you give me the heart to able to be kind even to the mean people I will ever meet in life.

Daily Scripture Study

2 Samuel 9