Knowing Christ and His Purpose for Your Life

Month March 2020

The Fruits of the Spirit – Love

Galatians 5:22New International Version (NIV) – But the fruit of the Spirit is love… Romans 5:5 New International Version (NIV) – And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has… Continue Reading →

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The Fruits of the Spirit

Inspirational Nugget: Sophie Cruz, 6 Sophie Cruz’s real feat of activism was weaseling her way through tight security to give Pope Francis a letter that said, in Spanish: “my friends and I love each other no matter our skin color.” She asked… Continue Reading →

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The Person of the Holy Spirit – Searches the Deep Things of God

Inspirational Nugget: Sonita Alizadeh Sonita Alizadeh has taken a slightly less traditional but no less effective route to fight against the patriarchal policies of forced marriages in her home country of Afghanistan: rap. Alizadeh was almost married twice, once at… Continue Reading →

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