Inspirational Nugget: Bana Alabed, 8 years…

At the 2018 Academy Awards ceremony, Common and Andra Day performed their Oscar-Nominated song “Stand Up For Something” with a group of activists behind them. The youngest was 8-year-old Bana Alabed, a Syrian refugee who took to Twitter to broadcast the nightmarish experience of living in Aleppo during the siege, airstrikes, and hunger. Her family was eventually able to escape to Turkey, but her experiences stuck with her and led her to write a book, Dear World: A Syrian Girl’s Story of War and Plea for Peace, which was released in October of last year.


The Person of the Holy Spirit – He Glorifies Jesus

John 16:14 King James Version (KJV) – He shall glorify Me…

Glory simply means, the beauty and the awesomeness of God. The person who brings that glory from the Father is the Holy Ghost as we learned some few days ago that, the Holy Ghost is the demonstrator of God’s power, even in the book of Genesis 1.

This is why the Holy Ghost always reminds us of Christ Jesus as we learned a few days ago. Thus as He keeps on bringing Christ Jesus to our remembrance and performing wonderful of works in the Name of Jesus, all of the glory will be to the Name of Christ Jesus. As all of these are going on, because all the glory is ascribed to Jesus, then indeed, the Holy Ghost comes to glorify Jesus because He said so.


Christ Jesus, be glorified in the heavens, You are the Lord of all, the Holy Ghost is even to Your glorification, Jesus, be glorified.

Daily Scripture for Meditation

John 16:14