Knowing Christ and His Purpose for Your Life

Month January 2020

Who Can Be Against Us? pt 2

Inspirational Nugget: Nicholas Lowinger 16yrs …  Growing up visiting homeless shelters with his mother (who worked at them), Nicholas Lowinger 16yrs realized many of the kids didn’t have very good shoes. In response, he started the Gotta Have Sole Foundation… Continue Reading →

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If God Is For Us?

Inspirational Nugget: Blare Gooch … Blare Gooch was brought to tears at the devastation brought about by the earthquake in Haiti. Remembering how a teddy bear comforted him, he decided to start donating teddy bears to the island of Haiti…. Continue Reading →

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Kings and Priests

Inspirational Nugget: Riley Hebbard saw a problem … At 7-years-old, Riley Hebbard saw a problem. The children in Darfur, Africa didn’t have toys to play with, only dirt and rocks. After wanting to donate her toys to them, she started… Continue Reading →

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That We Should Reign On the Earth

Inspirational Nugget: Eli Traitel Started His Career from the Young Age of 12 Eli started building his career from the young age of 12, repairing broken IT equipment (mainly computers) and selling them for a profit. At age 17, only… Continue Reading →

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Inspirational Nugget: Claudette Colvin Figure 1 – Colvin @ 15 in 1954 Many have heard how Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat when asked to move to the back of the bus, but few realize Claudette Colvin, at… Continue Reading →

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Out of Your Belly

Inspirational Nugget: Anne Frank Fleeing Jewish persecution, Anne Frank and her family went to Amsterdam and hid from the Nazi’s for two years. They were later caught and Anne Frank died with her sister in the concentration camps. Her diary… Continue Reading →

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