Inspirational Nugget: Om Prakash Gurjar Freed Children slaves and made them received …

Om Prakash Gurjar was thrown into slavery at the age of 5 in India. When he was finally freed, he was eager to fight against the institution and worked hard to work through the government and law to free other children like him. He also helped children receive a free education when schools in India were still charging for it.


Self – Respect

1 Samuel 18:14-23 King James Version (KJV) – And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.

Child of God, we need to behave wisely, that is when we begin to respect ourselves. Behaving yourself wisely is when you respect yourself. The focus should not be so much on us but we need to replicate the Lord Jesus where ever we find ourselves.

We should not go talking anyhow, walking anyhow, treating people and acting anyhow in the name human right or freedom because we have been bought with a price and that price is the very life and blood of Jesus. We need to walk in this newness of mindset because He has also made us kings and priests unto Himself, that we should reign on the earth, thus we cannot just be doing things anyhow – Revelations 5:10.

This means we need to be doing the things kings and priests do, not just even dressing and appearing anyhow, no. God places a high cost on us as His children because we are His ambassadors on earth.

An ambassador always does a thing in the name of the nation he or she is representing, in our case, the kingdom of God.


Lord Jesus, I pray and receive the discipline to respect myself in all my ways, amen!

Daily Scripture Study

1 Samuel 18