Inspirational Nugget:  Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah’s story is harrowing, to say the least. As a young disabled boy living in Ghana, he was abandoned by his father and orphaned due to his mother’s death. Instead of becoming a beggar, he decided to bike ride around his country to raise awareness that disability doesn’t mean inability. He rose to fame and since then has been working to help the two million disabled people in Ghana.


Being At Peace with All Men

Hebrews 12:14 New International Version – Make every effort to live in peace with everyone…

You reading this devotional now, the responsibility is on you to be at peace everyone. Yes, people will hate you, talk against you and all negative things against you but you have to do every effort to be at peace with everyone even in your heart.

If our Lord is a God of love, and we know love is gentle then it should show on us in everything we do especially how we relate with people. We are so much blessed with the light of God that we should show to the world but if we are not nice, we can never attract people to us, less talking about blessing them with the light of God we have.

A simple good morning is being nice, thank you, sorry, forgive me, giving a helping hand to someone in whichever way, it’s just being nice.

Let’s look at the story of the Good Samaritan when he was hurt by armed men, it took someone nice to carry him to the hospital, this is what is expected from a child of God.


Lord Jesus, we receive the heart to be nice, even to our enemies, amen!

Daily Scripture Study

Luke 10:25-37