Inspirational Nugget: Tania Speaks, 17

She researched organic ingredients like aloe vera and vitamin E and set up a workstation in her living room for mixing different solutions, which she tested on herself. When rave reviews came in from family members, she began selling the product out of her high school bathroom, launching Brow Boost in 2016 and later adding a product for facial hair. After taking a small loan from her mother, she grew the business by 60% in less than half a year.


Listen, that you may live

Isaiah 55:3 (NIV) – Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, My faithful love promised to David.

Our life as believers is first lived in God, through God, and by God. Our manual in and for life is the voice of God in the word of God.

To be able to live the God kind of life we have received from Christ Jesus, we need to listen to the word of God, from His blueprint, the bible.

To live here simply means living the life of God in all that we do. God is a powerful God, we need to be powerful when we listen. God is a no sickness God, we need to be sickness free and walk-in good health that is the God kind of life we are talking about.

Any other life which is opposite the God we are serving or worshipping is a no go area, we need to live His kind of life, but only if we listen.


I pray in the Name of Jesus, that I receive the grace to listen to the voice of the Lord so I might live, amen!

Daily Scripture Study

Isaiah 55:1 – 3