Inspirational Nugget: Isabel and Melati Wijsen, 16, 17 …

Melati and Isabel Wijsen were swimming in the waters of Bali when they noticed something that didn’t belong: floating plastic bags. And so in 2013, at ages 12 and 10, the sisters from Indonesia launched Bye Bye Plastic Bags to raise awareness about the issue. Their profile has risen considerably since then. This year, they organized Bali’s Biggest Clean-up, with 20,000 people collecting 65 tons of waste; they also helped get 350 local businesses to commit to eliminating the use of everyday plastic products like cups and straws within the next two years.


Come and Buy Without Money

Isaiah 55:1 (NIV) – “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.

We established the fact yesterday that all that God needs from us is our heart and if God really has our heart as we claim, it definitely going to show in how we talk, act and even dress.

There are over eight thousand promises in the bible, all the Lord needs from us is a heart which is thirsty to buy from Him, never with any physical currency in the world but with a thirsty heart. Of course, there are the time the Lord will demand special offerings from a person but that will never override the heart of the person.

God is God, He needs no money at where He is now but needs money here on earth to accomplish many of His purposes, that is the betterment of mankind and the earth He created for us.


I pray, that I receive the discipline to be going to God on a daily basis to buy without money.

Scripture for Meditation

Isaiah 55