1 Corinthians 13:7 New International Version (NIV) – It always protects…
Love always protects. God has been the protection of man from the Garden of Eden when even man erred. He said to father Abraham, I am thy shield and a great reward (Scripture Reference – Genesis 15:1). He is not just our protector but He is the Personality of our protection.
If and when we say we love people, we should be there for them. Not just in the physical but first in the spiritual, praying and interceding for them. Secondly is that we should protect people emotionally – that we should sound judgmental or condemn people even if and when they are wrong. Please, I am not saying we shouldn’t punish or correct people when they are wrong.
When people are wrong, this is the simple question I ask. Do they know there are wrong? If yes, why then do we repeat or remind them about wrong deeds? If we are really walking in love, there is no way that should happen.
Let’s protect humanity – everything about humanity, both the human being and the natural resources or the environment God has given us – this should be our lifestyle when and if we are truly walking in love.
If God protects the environment He created including the animals, and human beings, we should do the same.
Lord Jesus, thank You for your protection over my life, that of my family, my classmates, my loved ones and even my environment, that no armed robber or there will not be any disaster around me because your protection is strong over my life and my loved ones, Jesus, I love You!
Daily Scripture Study
Exodus 12:1-30
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