2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV) – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Wow, God has given us the spirit of a sound mind that is rewarding for us following His, Son, Christ Jesus.
Sound mind simply means, a clear direction about a thing, not a confused mind. God has given us a sound mind about whichever we embark on in this life. Never and ever should you say you are confused, please don’t it’s a negative confession and it has an effect on you. When you seem confused, never voice it out, I am not saying you shouldn’t ask for help when the help be or arises.
What I am bringing across here, is that the Mighty All-Knowing One, lives and abides in our hearts, so why then should we be confused about life or a thing.
When we seem confused about a thing, just relax and pray, not any long prayer, it might be as simple as “Lord, please teach me what to do and right there and then He is going to teach you what to do or even say.
That subject shouldn’t be a bother to you because you have the spirit of a sound mind concerning all that. That career shouldn’t be a bother to you because you have the spirit of a sound mind. I am not saying we should start doing the things we have no passion or drive for, no, but when and if even the need arises to perform such things, believe in the spirit of the sound mind you have and deliver in the Name of Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus, I thank You from the depths of my heart once more, I thank You for making me have the spirit of a sound mind, concerning all that I am to do in life, than You, my Love!
Daily Scripture Study
Genesis 40
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