Proverbs 28:1 New International Version (NIV) The wicked flee though no one pursues, the righteous are as bold as a lion.
Speak in tongues in two minutes if you can shout hallelujah, if you can’t and say, I am as bold as a lion.
We already established the truth last week that, we don’t do anything to be righteous but it’s a gift in Christ Jesus – Romans 5:17.
Look at the scripture again, the righteous are as bold as a lion. Boldness is never in shouting or talking plenty but in the stillness or quietness in the heart knowing that everything will be well because God is with you.
Sometimes, boldness will demand us to talk, act or shout, that has its place also, but the main boldness is in the heart, trusting in the Lord completely. I am not talking about disrespecting our authorities or disobeying our authorities.
I am talking about that point of life where everyone is talking negative, maybe about the teacher or the government, but because you are bold because of the confidence you have in the Lord, you will just sit and smile, because of you so sure that, God will come through for you.
The righteous are as bold as a lion, you have the nature of a lion in you.
Lord Jesus, thanks for making me as bold as a lion. As I walk through this life, continue to remind me about your presence in my heart, so I will continue to be as bold as a lion, amen!
Daily Scripture Study
Numbers 14:1-10
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