John 3:3 New International Version (NIV) – Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.
Hallelujah! It’s a new day with my one and only sweetheart. Sweetie, I want us to go a little bit further with our daily devotionals today.
Sweetheart, man (women inclusive) is a spirit, who has a soul and lives in the body.
With the spirit of a man, you contact the spirit of God or the spirit realm. The only way we can worship God is through the Spirit – John 4:23.
With the soul of a man, we contact the soulish realm. That is where our intellect resides, how we think, how to behave, our memories, how we think, how we learn, how we feel, our emotions, how we respond to people, in fact, it comprises with everything that has to do with the human brain functioning.
With the body, you contact this physical world, this is where our five basic senses rule:

The Eye: the sense of sight – how we see.

The Nose: the sense of smell

The body; the sense of feeling

The tongue; the sense of taste

The ear; the sense of hearing.
When you become born again, your soul, will be the same as it was, your body will be the same as it was, but your spirit man is recreated, that is where God the Father, God the Son and God the Precious Sweet Holy Spirit lives.
Sweetheart, walk in this life, with the mindset that you are a spiritual person. Spirit simply means an entity or body that cannot be seen with our basic physical senses listed above.
Being born again simply means, God, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit has been born in your spirit, praise the Lord!
Glory to Jesus! I am born again. I am born of God. I have the very nature and image of God. I am power flow, because the Most powerful live in my spirit, hallelujah!
Daily Scripture Study
John 3:1-21
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