Ephesians 5:19 New International Version (NIV) – speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,…
Sweetheart, study and think on the opening scripture again, please. This is a command from the great Apostle Paul to the church of Ephesus and to the body of Christ at large / believers or Christians as a whole.
It says every song and music we make should be unto the Lord, please did you read it? A simple question here, please.
That song you have on your phone; can it be a song unto the Lord? If yes, then let it be unto the Lord, if no, please deleting it is a better option.
Let me tell you something about songs or music: Music or songs comes from inspired words from spirits and you and I know we have no middle spirit in this life, its either the Spirit of God or the spirit of satan.
So a simple question again, do you think that song you love so much, do you think it was inspired by the Lord or by the other spirit?
I leave you with those questions to think on by yourself but I pray the Sweet Precious Holy Spirit of the Lord guides you.
Honey, please get this, every song, music, or whatever we do, whether in words or inaction should be unto the Lord, nothing more and nothing less.
Sweet Precious Holy Spirit, I ask and thank You for helping me guide my heart against any ungodly song and music. Cause me to be dedicated to songs and music that is just unto You and You alone, Amen!
Daily Scripture Study
Colossians 3:1-17
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