Romans 6:14 King James Version (KJV) – For sin shall not have dominion over you: …

Sweetheart, raise your head and read our opening scripture again! Halleluyah! We have power over sin because it shall not have dominion over us. That is a command the bible has given us, wow!

We have already established that sin is a domain or an environment that we do not belong for we belong to the kingdom of God – refer to yesterday’s article.

Sweetheart, never and ever bow to sin, you might sin, yesterday or today even before studying this devotional, it doesn’t mean sin has dominion over you just because you are a believer and you live in the environment or domain of God.

Just say or confess with your mouth when you fall in sin – I have dominion over sin because I am under the grace of God and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom to be escaping sin.

It might be as simple as, stop talking to that friend or stop going or visiting him or her, please do. It might be as simple as, stop watching some TV program or series, please do.

Righteousness is the nature of God, and that is what we need to exhibit. Sin is the nature of satan, why then do we exhibit satan through what we do or say? To sin is never our nature because we are born of God – the Spirit (John 3:6).

You stopping that sin might not come in a day, week or even month, but keep on trying with the help of the Precious Holy Spirit, honey, don’t and never worry, you will come out of it one day.


Christ Jesus, I thank You for giving me victory over sin, sin has no dominion over me because I am under your grace, which was given me on the cross of Calvary, thank You, Lord Jesus!

Daily Scripture Study

Romans 6:1-14