2 Timothy 3:16-17 New International Version (NIV) – All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, …

Sweetheart, what should keep or what keeps a believer is the voice of God. The first reference or point of the voice of God is the bible. God can speak to us individually which is fine and nice, but it should be based on the written scripture in the bible. Every voice of God we hear should be based on the bible.

Example, when you are hungry, indeed God wants you to eat and be satisfied (Joel 2:26), you might hear the voice, mummy’s money is in the wardrobe – please that voice is not based on the bible because the bible says, do not steal – Exodus 20:15, it is different when mummy has given you the go-ahead to be taking her money. Either than that, that is not the voice of God, because it doesn’t agree with scripture. You might ask, since I’m hungry, how should I eat? Ask the Lord (Matthew 7:7) of food and He will give it to you.

Honey, anytime you need to hear the voice of God concerning any situation, just go to the Bible in prayer, you will hear God talk to you.


Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your voice in my life, anytime, I pick the Bible, in search of your voice, let the Holy Spirit talk to me, thank You, Lord, I love You!

Daily Scripture Study

2 Timothy 3:10-17

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