Judges 6:15 New International Version (NIV) – “Pardon me, my Lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”

Excuses are simply finding a reason why a thing cannot or will not be done. My love, you will always have a reason not to do something, that subject you failed, you will always have a reason to fail but listen to me; Christianity is never a substitute for laziness.

The same way you have many reasons not to do something, the same way you will also have a thousand and one reasons to do something.

As a believer you have the power, as soon as you have your heart to do something, the Lord will empower you to do it.

I am not talking about driving your daddy’s car in his absence without his permission or doing illegal things, a big no!

When daddy, mummy, guardian or teacher gives you a task, never complain or have an excuse, instead, sit, think and ask the Sweet Precious Holy Spirit for ideas to be able to carry that act out.

I am not talking about when our guardians tell us to do bad things, for example telling us to lie or insult or disrespect people because they have a misunderstanding with them.

The bible talks about obeying your parents in the Lord – the catchphrase here is “in the Lord”. Ephesians 6:1


Thank You, Lord Jesus, help me to be strong and be able to perform tasks that are given me by my superiors to make me a better person, hallelujah!

Daily Scripture Study

Judges 6